Jeffrey Paul Goldberg home page (will be here)
This is very obviously under construction. This is the future
home of the main entry point for all my documents.
I am delighted to work for Agile Web
Solutions supporting 1Password, which is by far the best password management
system for the Mac, iPhone and iPad. And now there is a Beta
release of 1Password
for Windows.
My views and opinions that I state here and on my blogs should be no
reflecton on the wonderful (and completely sane) people at Agile Web
Solutions. My rants are my own.
For my recent thoughts on a range of matters, please see my JPG Rants
currently hosted by blog spot. I will probably move it to
at some point.
For another blog, specifically on religious and related matters, see
Liver of a blaspheming Jew.
A brief (and out of date) biography along
with links to contact information is available.
But I still have just barely begun to move and reorganize things from
my old site at Cranfield University. Still
see my contact page for the most
information about where my information is.
The new "Family site" is and
there is a partial mirror of what I had at
Cranfield (with lots of broken links). For the time being, a
useful page is my contact page.
Things I have here
- My résumé (PDF)
I am moving into a new career, seeking to be a high school math
teacher. This résumé is for my job hunt in teaching.
[Last modified: Wednesday, 06-Jan-2010 13:00:00 EST;
- Contact information
How to reach me, and how to reach others instead of me if I am
the wrong person to get in touch with.
- Autobiographical sketch
- With information about other people who I am not, but
could be mistaken for (particularly other people named
"Jeff Goldberg").
- My blogs
- It is currently hosted off-site, but will move once I finally
decide among, MovableType, WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
- Various net rants
- From stupid email disclaimers
to the futility of web stats, I have
strong opinions about lots of things.
- Various political rants
- From a call for a revised voting system (using the Condorcet
method) to why the left in the US should embrace school
- Copy of what I had when I worked at Cranfield.
I am slowly integrating that content into the new site
design, but I still leave that stuff there. It will have many
many broken links.
- my PGP public key.
- If you don't know what that means, then I promise you that
that document is not for you.
- Various papers and articles.
- These are mostly academic papers
- fighting spam
From a list of toll free numbers of
spammers to some very funny records of an exchange with a spam friendly ISP.
And more.
- Businesses we recommend for and against
Various experiences, mostly with local services such as
air-conditioning repairmen who try to sell unneeded repairs to
exterminators who you have to sit at home for several times.
Eventually, positive recommendations will be listed as well.
Version: $Revision: 2.15 $
Last Modified: $Date: 2010/08/02 21:55:14 $
First established June 18, 2000